Saturday, 18 February 2012


I could never be an Ironman but I can 'Runfurther'. It was about time I got myself branded to affirm my allegiance. Thanks to originator Mark Hartell for his permission to use the symbol from the Runfurther series, now into its 6th year of existence.

Here's the handywork of One Way Tattoo in Great Moor, Stockport - a friendly bunch of professionals indeed who deserve all the success they can get.

No, it's not a transfer.


  1. Looks good, Nick. Been toying with the idea of a tat for ages but never had the bottle/good design idea.


  2. Cool good idea, looks good. I need to think of a tattoo idea I won't get bored of. I'm so fussy.

  3. Where else, UC? I requested, the expert made it so.

    Paul, you need to be sure; Roger you need to be fussy when doing something irreversible like that. If there are any doubts, don't do it.

    Thanks Andy.

  4. Very nice Nick. The logo works well as a tatoo and has been well drawn. Also have been toying with the idea for awhile (but for which event / challenge). A Runfurther series completion is something few can boast, two even less so, so you can enjoy and feel proud to wear this as a membership badge of very much and exclusive and tough to join club.

  5. Looks great! That is the type of tat that even I would enjoy to have. Btw, we have lots of rules for all road running here in SA. I'll post about it.

  6. Things I got to do before I die have me thinking :-)

  7. You've gone full hardcore now! .... fully paid up member of the Runfurther Massive :-)

  8. A million thanks Nick -
    I have left Richard a message - I have known about this injury for a while but hoped I never had it, but after reading Richards blog it sounds identical :-(

    nice tat btw

  9. Hey Stuart, I hope that proves to be the revelation that gets you a cure. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you'll be back better than new.

    Mike you'd better believe it. Respect from now on. That includes not beating me in events ;-)

    Jerry, how about a permanent Union Jack to save you having to track down another pair of those shorts when yours finally give up the ghost? (You're not having mine, btw.) ;-)

    Johann, rules and regulations; what a bore. I don't envy you.

    Thanks DE. How about the Lakeland 100 for yours (if they give you permission)? That was some achievement you pulled off with mashed-up feet.

    1. Haa haa Nick, my standard "joke" with people as I pass in a race is to say "These are not shorts it's body paint" which often gets a stunned look or a jaw drop from a granny. The idea of getting my nuts tattooed as part of a union flag makes me feel a little to lie down in a dark room for a few hours......;-)

  10. Am I allowed to say "yuck"?! (sorry, said it anyway)

  11. In general or in particular, Mad? You might like it 'in the flesh' ;-)

  12. Looks excellent, are you going to put a tally chart under it to mark off grand slams?

  13. My calf isn't that big ;-)
